Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Beautiful Winter Weekend !!!!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014 - It is so hard to believe with all of the snow we have had this winter, this weekend we were "teased" with temperatures in the 50's. ( Yes, and this week we will have temperatures in the 30's with two days of snow showers expected ) Today I decided to work in my vegetable garden.

It was a great day to be outside. Seeing neighbors I have not talked to in months as well as beginning to prepare my soil for planting for mid - March put everyone in a great mood to begin the work week.

Today I tilled part of my garden. Before beginning, I did sprinkle saw dust and shredded paper on the soil to help with the drying out process as well as help prepare the soil with the needed nutrients for growth.

This is a great start to the growing season. Getting air in the soil as well as breaking up those areas which are hard will be a benefit to my planting of my cold weather crops.