Sunday, April 13, 2014

I Think Spring is Here !!!

Sunday, April 13, 2014 - What a great weekend to be outside and get the outside grounds ready for Easter. I decided to take Friday off and mulch my flower beds. I was glad to get my 6 yards moved  by mid afternoon as then I put down fertilizer around many of my trees and shrubs the remainder of the day.

The remainder of the weekend I visited Exley's, Moore's and Triple Oaks Nursery. My wife and I enjoyed our visits looking at the new perennials available this year as well as checking on the vegetable plants I will be purchasing in a couple weeks.

Each nursery offers something different to the public. Going to Moore's and seeing all the flowers and vegetables for sale helps me prepare for the upcoming weeks. Both Exley's and Triple Oaks Nursery have many beautiful plants and shrubs for spring planting.

I also spent time in my vegetable garden. Uncovering my strawberries as well as adding extra lines for my peas to climb. I also made herb planters which I place daily outside however remembering to bring them undercover this time of year due to cool nights and frost.

With temperatures in the 70's and bright and sunny days, I believe Spring is finally here !!!! It was great pleasure I put my snow blower away and now I look forward to the warm weather we not be having.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Great Gardening Weekend

Sunday, April 6, 2014 - I am hoping with the weather we have this weekend that spring is officially here. With weather in the 50's I was able to begin my annual spring clean up as well as spend time in my vegetable garden.

Every year I am amazed with the amount of leaves and branches I clean up. Completing this same process at the end of fall, I am hoping one year I will be able to go outside in spring and see few leaves in flower beds, under shrubs and also stuck in my fence.

After spending most of the morning blowing and picking up debris, I spent time in my vegetable garden. I put in my second planting of peas as well as spinach and two types of lettuce. I am very happy to see that all my crops planted back in March have broken ground and survived those late winter cold temperatures.

Today, I hope to clean our my main flower garden. It is time to think about mulching all my flower beds which is something I always try to have done by Easter.