Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blue Bird - A Pleasant Surprise !!!

Saturday, March 31 - We were back to our usual cool March weather today however, waking up I had a pleasant surprise. In my back yard flower garden, I saw a blue bird. It was first time I had seen one in 3 years in my area and I am hoping he/she will bring friends and become frequent visitors this spring.

The remainder of the day was dreary and chilly, spotty showers continued throughout the afternoon. However with all my errands and everything I accomplished today, I kept thinking about this visit from this beautiful species and hoping tomorrow morning will bring me many more opportunities for photos.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Benefits of Compost

Wednesday, March 28 - This week we are having typical South Jersey weather, one day it is cool and breezy and the next the day it is close to 70 degrees and sunny. It is always a gamble to know when to begin planting and what to do those plants which have begun to bud when a cold evening or possible a frost warning is predicted.

To play it safe it is beneficial to do planting in South Jersey Mothers Day weekend. At this time you are guaranteed there will be no more spring frost and most importantly, the soil will begin to warm which helps with seed germination.

The last two years I have planted a week early. This has given me an early start to planting and also provides me with one of my favorite vegetables, tomatoes, before mid - July. I am hoping this will be the case this year.

Until then, it is a waiting game, I check my garden daily making sure the peas are beginning to climb on the make shift string and stakes. I also remove any weeds which begin to grow.

Today, I smiled looking around my garden. With the recent rain we had this week, I could see small watermelon or cantaloupe plants begin to pop thru the soil. This is from the seeds placed in my compost last summer. I always anticipate this time of year as well as mid summer when I begin to see "those surprised" plants which begin to pop thru the soil.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Freeze Warning in Effect for Tonight !

Monday, March 26 - Tonight we have a freeze or frost warning from 3am Tuesday until 9am March 27th.

For this time of year, this is not usually a concern however with the unusually high temperatures last week, (temperatures about average of 16 degrees) many spring flowers have begun to break the soil surface and in some cases have bloomed. If this is the case, you may want to consider covering those plants to insure there is no damage.

For your cool weather crops which have been planted, there is not much a concern. However with the warmth mentioned last week and the coolness we are now experiencing, strawberries could be affected. If you have any straw, it may be a good idea to cover any strawberries and especially any plants which are beginning to show buds.

Good luck and hope you have no or minimal damage from conditions we may have this evening.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tiller - What type to buy

Sunday, March 25 - We are back to normal this weekend with the March weather we are experiencing. With the temperatures reaching the mid - 60's by the afternoon, we woke up to chilly mornings only in the 40's. Also, and most importantly, the rain showers we had throughout the weekend were needed. We still are under our average for the year, but the rain that has fallen the last two days will help our cool weather crops immensely.

One of first questions asked by many is what type of garden tiller should be used when digging up your garden plot. If you are going to garden each year and consider having a plot which is large, it is a good idea to consider making a purchase of this piece of garden equipment. This can be expensive if you choose to purchase new, however looking in your local want ads or even Craigs List can help you find this product at a reasonable price.

There are two types of garden tilers, Front Tine and Rear Tine.

A Front tine tiller is used mostly when the soil has been cultivated already. If you are preparing your garden plot for the first time, using this tiller type can be quite challenging. However once the garden is prepared, it is very easy to control this product between the rolls of your planted vegetables. Also, they not as expensive as rear tine tilers.

A Rear tine tiller are very easy to use and maneuver.  They will usually turn on a dime and require less "muscle" to use. This type of tiller is the most popular and considered the work horse of your garden. Also, the tiller can handle any job which is needed within your flower or vegetable garden.

Personally I till my garden two - three times a year. Once at the beginning of the season, sometimes after I plant my cool weather crops and prior to planting my plants in the spring and once at the end of the season.

Using a tiller will help provide your soil with the needed aeration for your plants to grow and produce.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Ruby Throated Hummingbirds Are Here !!!!

Friday, March 23 - The Ruby Throated Hummingbirds have arrived to South Jersey.

Yes, two weeks earlier than last year, this hummingbird has been seen in our area. For those who have not set up a feeder in the past, this is a great way to enjoy this bird not only in the spring, but also throughout the summer months.

Purchasing a feeder is an inexpensive endeavor. For less than $15.00, you can find a hummingbird feeder at Lowes, Home Depot, or on line.

It is very easy to make hummingbird food which is known as nectar. The ingredients are water and sugar. Boil 4 parts water. Add 1 part sugar, still until the sugar is dissolved.

When this mixture cools, add to your feeder and store the remains in your refrigerator for 1 week.

Hummingbirds love the color red and many people hang red ribbon from their feeder to help invite the hummingbird to their yards.

Happy bird watching !!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Making a Rain Barrel

Thursday, March 22 - Waking up again to another unseasonably warm day, 60 degrees at 4:30am,  I began to think how great the warmth and fresh air has felt but also what impact this will have on our growing season this year. People are already talking about the threat of more insects and diseases which will effect our flowers and vegetables since we had a very mild winter. I am hoping this weekend to find some time to research organic methods to deal with any insect or disease problems which I may encounter. Please feel free to share if you have any methods to deal with this issue.

Also, it is time to think about making a rain barrel. Using natural means to feed my flowers and vegetables is a "win all" solution to gardening. The "magic" found in rain water helps feed crops much better than using other ways of watering.

I decided to go to Craigs List to see if I could find materials for this project. Luckily I found a local pizza parlor that was selling containers reasonably.

To help make my rain barrel I decided to search YouTube . Again, I found a great 5 minute video not only showing me the benefits and how to make my barrel, but also the supplies I could buy at Lowe's to finish this project.

Consider making a rain barrel when you have a spare moment. The benefits your gardens and our environment will receive are unmeasurable.

Happy Gardening !!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Day of Spring !

Tuesday, March 20 - First Day of Spring. Waking up this morning and listening to the radio hearing todays high will be 73 degrees is a great way to welcome the first day of spring. I immediately began to think what I wanted to do when I returned home from work to welcome again this fantastic weather.

I went to the Old Farmers Almanac to learn more about this day as well as read some of the interesting folk lore which goes with this day. If you are interested in any type of planting, whether it may be flowers or vegetables, please take a peek.

Today, when I go home I hope to begin cleaning the many twigs and branches which have fallen during the winter. I hope this evening to finalize my list of  vegetables plants I want to buy as well as decide what flowers or bushes I want to purchase. Hopefully everyone will be able to be outside sometime today to enjoy this beautiful weather.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Week Ahead, May 19 - 25

Monday, May 19 - What a beautiful week we have here in South Jersey!!!! The temperatures are supposed to be in the 70's with partly sunny skies. It so unseasonable for us to have this so early in the growing season that we are concerned with the warm days and evenings which are unseasonably warm.

Also, our area  already has had a shortage of rain. Since January 1st, we are 2 inches below normal. I have already started to water my vegetable garden which is unusual this time of year. Rain is not expected until Saturday  but it will be most welcome.

I am hoping I will have time tonight to weed my vegetable garden. Yes, chickweed and some small areas of grass have begun to sprout already. Once this is done, I will be begin to do my spring cleaning in my large flower garden located in my back yard.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Creating the Weekly Plan

Sunday, March 18 - Sunday morning in many ways is a time I always look forward to. It is a time I reflect on the past week as well as begin to plan for the week ahead. Professionally, I look at my work calendar to see what meetings are already scheduled and then I begin to decide what goals and objectives I would like to complete.

Personally, it is also a time I do the same for my passion of gardening. I always begin by looking at the weather forecast to see if watering needs to be done. Also, I attempt to block out certain times after work to go outside and begin my weekly chores in all my gardens. 

This week, I know I am going to water my newly planted vegetable seeds. With the lack of rain over the last few weeks, I want to make sure the plants which are already popping thru the soil, receive the proper amount of needed nourishment. It is exciting to see the newly planted seeds which are beginning to grow. 

This week, I will begin to lay out the remainder of my vegetable garden in regards to what vegetables and varieties I will be purchasing in a few weeks. I also, will be spending time outside in the flower garden removing all the crab grass which has grown this past winter. It is amazing how much is found this year, due to the mild winter we had in South Jersey.

Nothing is more relaxing than sitting in my sun room enjoying the views I see so early in the morning. Also, as I take my dogs outside for their morning walk, hearing the birds chirping is a pleasant sound as I realize how quickly spring is arriving !!!

Female and Male Cardinals

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patricks Day and Spring Cleaning

Saturday,  March 17 - The sun was out the entire day and the temperatures were in the 70's. It was a great day to begin cleaning the yard. Much was accomplished with leaves removed from the front and side garden bed. Also, bird baths were cleaned and the front yard and some of the back grass was mowed.

Most importantly, it was so nice to begin working outside very early, waiting for my wife to awake so I could make breakfast.

No work was needed in the vegetable garden, but without rain, which was forecasted, I must give serious thought to when I will be watering my new seeds.

Spring Cleaning Begins

Saturday, March 17 - St. Patricks Day, Today, I begin Spring Cleaning, working on getting our yard into shape.

Every fall I spend my weekends working on cleaning my yard and removing leaves and pine needles which fall each week. Today, it is time to begin removing that debris which has accumulated over the winter which were put here by wind storms.

My front yard, always seems to be an area which seems capture many leaves from my neighbors trees. Behind the shrubs, hydrangea plant and azaleas seems to be the safest place for the leaves to hide.

It is my hope that today I can clean this area and the leaves which are found in our daffodil flower bed.

With the beautiful weather which begins our morning, sunning and 48 degrees, I have a good chance to complete this task.

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Second Planting of Cool Weather Crops

Thursday, March 15 - Today was my second planting of peas, I had originally thought about waiting for the weekend to do my planting but the beautiful weather we have been having, today was 73 degrees, and the possibility of rain tomorrow, I thought it was best to take advantage of these offerings.

I also put in another row of my 3 types of lettuce, both spinaches, kale and broccoli. Before going inside for dinner, I was surprised one row of peas was breaking thru the ground!!!. I was shocked, and also concerned, as even though peas are cool weather crops, the early warm days so early in March might bring concerns later in the growing season.

Time for Compost !!!!

Sunday, March 11 It is now time to place the compost in the garden. This is a year long project, preparing this pile for use this time of year.

Through much reading and conversations with friends, I have been able to create a mixture whereby I have reaped tremendous benefits.

Having close to 2 acres of ground, I an fortunate to have enough leaves, grass clippings, pine needles and small branches to add from time to time. Also, I compost all vegetable remains, egg shells, coffee grinds, clothing lint, orange, grapefruit and banana peels, sawdust, horse manure and shredded newspaper. I have found cutting all these items into smaller pieces helps the process of breaking down this pile much easier and faster.

Throughout the year, I turn the pile over at least one time and if I have the extra time, sometimes 2 - 3 times a week. It is amazing the amount of heat which is generated from this pile and also exciting to watch the items break down and begin to form the "black gold" substance which helps fuel and feed the soil.

I was able this year to make enough compost to cover the entire garden! I have decided this year, I am not going to till the compost into the soil, rather let the rain and time work this mixture into the soil.

It is always a good feeling to reap the benefits of this process. From time to time I do add water to the mixture when it becomes too dry during those hot and humid summer days.

First Day of Spring Vegetable Gardening

Sunday, March 4 - My anticipated day of planting has finally arrived !!! With a sunny and breezy day, I begun getting my vegetable garden in shape. I tilled my vegetable plot, raking the area evenly to prepare for the planting of my cool weather crops.

The afternoon was used setting up stakes for my peas. I planted a 12 foot row and then completed my planting by placing seeds of 3 types of lettuce; (Black Seeded Simpson, Gourmet Mix, and Salad Bowl), Spinach; (Baby Catalina and Olympic Hybrid), Kale and Broccoli. Also, for the first time, I planted artichokes. After much reading I do see how delicate and challenging this plant will be. I also planted 4 seeds inside, just in case I needed warmer soil for germination.