Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Great Day To Plant !!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014 - Waking up early and going outside in the garden is  the best way to begin any day. In my area, it is always so quiet and the only sounds heard are the birds and occasional car driving down the road.

Last week this time, we were preparing for a major snow storm with predictions of 10 - 12 inches hitting our area. We did luck out, only get 6 inches, but the cold and bitterness we had at the beginning of the week certainly helped enjoy this morning that much more.

Today I started my first planting of cool weather crops. I planted two types of peas, 3 types of lettuce, 2 types of spinach,  2 types of kale, 2 types of broccoli and cauliflower. This year I am experimenting with different types of seeds.  Also I am trying seeds which advertise which can be planted in the early spring and last throughout the summer.

This year I have decided to plant again another cycle of the above mentioned seeds a month from now. I am hoping during  the early spring and the beginning of the summer I will be able to enjoy all of these greens during the early part of the growing season.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

More Snow Is On The Way !!!!!

Sunday, March 2 - It is so hard to believe that I am sitting here thinking about the predicted snow fall in our area that is supposed to begin this evening. At this time, my area, Sewell NJ, is calling for 8 - 10 inches, ending Monday afternoon.

As I mentioned in my last post, this past weekend was beautiful. With unseasonable temperatures in the 60's all my neighbors were outside trying to get a jump on our spring clean up. This weekend, I went outside and started my snow blower making sure it was ready for tomorrow.
Daffodils standing 3 inches tall
waiting for the snow storm to

For the past 5 years, I always plant my cool weather crops the weekend before St. Patricks Day.  I know the typical planting date is this holiday, but I try and get an extra week of growing since I don't fertilize my garden, only using compost and organic means.

My cool weather crops I am planting this year are peas, different types of spinach, lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower. All of these crops could benefit by the covering of snow that would occur tomorrow, but seeds need germination temperatures no lower than 20 degrees and this week we have a few days where the lows will be in the single digits. The possibility of not receiving any crops if I planted this weekend was not worth the risk of trying to get a "heads start".

It looks like I will spend next Sunday in my garden. Here's hoping this is the final snow storm for this winter.

By the way, if my good friend I work with does take the time to read this note, yes, it is true I sat on my tractor today wishing I was able to begin my spring ritual. :)